Staying Positive

Things that have gone right lately. My attempt to be a more optimistic person.

I will post every day, at the end of the day (or the next morning), about the good things that have happened to me in that day. The hope is that I will begin to be generally happier and more positive, rather than focusing on the negative as I tend to do.


If you would like to join me, e-mail me or leave a comment on one of my posts and we can talk about adding you as a poster here. I think that it would be really cool if this were to become a multi-person endeavor, if others are interested in helping to make it one.

Saturday, October 28, 2006

October 28, 2006

Music: Jason's
Reading: Aeschylus "The Eumenides," Pericles' funeral oration
Current stress level (scale of 1-10): 8.75

Good things that happened today:
1. Went to a couple of lectures that were fairly interesting.
2. Got a bunch of knitting done.
3. Watched X-Files with teh boyfriend.
4. Waffle and ice cream for brunch!
5. Cuddles!

Friday, October 27, 2006

October 27, 2006

Music: Barenaked Ladies Maroon
Reading: Cooper The Last of the Mohicans
Current stress level (scale of 1-10): 7

Good things that happened today:
1. Did decently at fencing practice.
2. Got 90% of what I wanted to do done.
3. X-Files with teh boyfriend.
4. Chocolate ice cream!
5. Cuddles and kisses.
6. Jason and friend being silly at dinner.

Thursday, October 26, 2006

October 26, 2006

Music: Barenaked Ladies Maroon
Reading: Miller (ed.) The Apocalyptic Jesus: A Debate, Emerson "Nature," de Tocqueville, Turner "The Significance of the Frontier"
Current stress level (scale of 1-10): 8.5

Good things that happened today:
1. Actually woke up before my alarm went off, and not because of noise.
2. Hugs from teh boyfriend.
3. Lunch with teh boyfriend.
4. My RFs had an open house with ice cream sundaes. Yay for sugar.

Wednesday, October 25, 2006

October 25, 2006

Music: Barenaked Ladies Maroon
Reading: Miller (ed.) The Apocalyptic Jesus: A Debate, de Tocqueville, Bradford "Of Plymouth Plantation"
Current stress level (scale of 1-10): 7.5

Good things that happened today:
1. Weights went fairly well.
2. Six more rows of knitting!
3. Cuddles at lunch.
4. Chocolate ice cream at dinner.

Tuesday, October 24, 2006

October 24, 2006

Music: Barenaked Ladies Maroon
Reading: Rowlandson, Miller (ed.) The Apocalyptic Jesus: A Debate
Current stress level (scale of 1-10): 8
As she was wont, th' imagination
Into most lovely labyrinths will be gone,
And they shall be accounted poet-kings
Who simply tell the most heart-easing things.
O may these joys be ripe before I die.
- "Sleep and Poetry," Keats

Good things that happened today:
1. Practice energized me, rather than making my day worse as I had thought it would.
2. Chocolate ice cream.
3. My lesson was postponed, so I could take a badly needed nap in the afternoon.
4. Ate a salad with dinner.
5. My broken epee is fixed!

Monday, October 23, 2006

October 23, 2006

Music: Barenaked Ladies Maroon
Reading: Cooper The Last of the Mohicans
Current stress level (scale of 1-10): 5.5
Quote: "My career had all the straight-line consistency of a tangled ball of yarn. Did I know where I was headed? Absolutely not! Did I plan my career moves in a logical progression? Absolutely not. There was no grand design. I was a California boy, stumbling cheerfully through life, succeeding, falling on my face, picking myself up and plunging ahead, holding onto some simple values, trying to live with a civil heart as someone said, always learning, always trying, always wondering." – "My Career" by John W. Gardner

Good things that happened today:
1. Seven rows of knitting done!
2. At work, I got to pet the doggy. And I sat on the floor, and he was so happy to see me that he was nuzzling into my belly and when I tried to get up he almost knocked me over.
3. Dickens knitting group. And the dog and kitten were both being ADORABLE! Plus tea and French pastry.
4. Discovered that there is a good French bakery fairly nearby.
5. Made it through five chapters of The Last of the Mohicans without dying.
6. Finished a chunk of stuff at work.

Sunday, October 22, 2006

October 22, 2006

Music: Queen of the Damned soundtrack
Reading: Dickens Our Mutual Friend
Current stress level (scale of 1-10): 3
Quote: "TalkingDog: You are feline!" – WhizKid

Good things that happened today:
1. Slept enough.
2. Knitting group! I got 4 more rows done.
3. Everything on my to-do list has been at least somewhat done today!
4. Tea! (Numi Gunpowder Green.)
5. Brownies!
6. Boyfriend!
7. I saw a PUPPY!
8. I was the very first person to post a reading response for our most recent assignment in my seminar!