Staying Positive

Things that have gone right lately. My attempt to be a more optimistic person.

I will post every day, at the end of the day (or the next morning), about the good things that have happened to me in that day. The hope is that I will begin to be generally happier and more positive, rather than focusing on the negative as I tend to do.


If you would like to join me, e-mail me or leave a comment on one of my posts and we can talk about adding you as a poster here. I think that it would be really cool if this were to become a multi-person endeavor, if others are interested in helping to make it one.

Saturday, February 10, 2007

February 10, 2007

Music: none
Reading: Corneille "Of the Three Unities," Voigt Kyrie, various things submitted by fellow students in my creative writing class for workshopping
Current stress level (scale of 1-10): 5

Good things that happened today:
1. Nice dinner out with Jason.
2. X-Files!
3. Checked off all but one thing on my to-do list.

Other things to be happy about:
1. Puppy count: THREE! (counting one on the X-Files)

Friday, February 09, 2007

February 9, 2007

Music: Savage Garden "Affirmation" (live version), "I Knew I Loved You" (live version), "I Want You" (live version)
Reading: Eagleton Literary Theory
Current stress level (scale of 1-10): 5.5

Good things that happened today:
1. Saw Jason again! :)
2. X-Files!
3. Finished a chunk of stuff at work.
4. We won our (casual) fencing meet!

Other things to be happy about:
1. Today's puppy count: ONE!

Thursday, February 08, 2007

February 8, 2007

Music: Savage Garden "Hold Me," "Affirmation"
Reading: Eagleton Literary Theory, various prose-poemy types of things for my creative writing class
Current stress level (scale of 1-10): 4

Good things that happened today:
1. CHORUS MEETING!!! ...Man, I totally get high on singing.
2. Ice cream in the RF apartment post-chorus.
3. Checked off all but 1 1/2 things on my To Do list today!
4. My lesson went pretty well.
5. The forecast said rain, but it never more than drizzled lightly while I was outside. (Now that I've said that, of course it's going to pour tomorrow... ;) )

Wednesday, February 07, 2007

February 7, 2007

Music: Savage Garden
Reading: Eagleton Literary Theory
Current stress level (scale of 1-10): 5

Good things that happened today:
1. Cards in the mail from Grandma and my great-aunt and-uncle!
3. Got a definite direction for my portfolio for one of my classes.
4. Checked off EVERYTHING on my "To Do" list for today!

February 6, 2007

Music: Madonna "The Power of Goodbye"
Reading: Eagleton Literary Theory, Mazzoni
Current stress level (scale of 1-10): 5

Good things that happened today:
1. Lunch with Jason.
2. Hugs!
3. After I'd been stressing majorly about doing tons of work and barely keeping abreast of what's due from day to day, one of my classes today got through not even 1/6 of what the teacher wanted to do, so he said we'd cover a bunch of the reading due today on the next couple of days, so suddenly I have all of my reading done for the week on Tuesday. :)
4. Did a couple of decent second intention parry-four hits at fencing -- and I was just goofing off!

Monday, February 05, 2007

February 5, 2007

Music: Madonna "The Power of Goodbye"
Reading: Sidney "An Apology for Poetry," Mazzoni "On the Defense of the Comedy of Dante," Corneille "Of the Three Unities"
Current stress level (scale of 1-10): 8.5

Good things that happened today:
1. Lunch with Jason, and hugs. Many hugs. Yay for hugs!
2. Tea.
3. Was fairly productive (albeit not quite productive enough...).
4. Didn't die at weights, amazingly enough.
5. Financial Literacy is an awesome class. And we talked about investing today, and I got to sit there and think "Ha! I already have a Roth IRA, you FOOLS!" so I felt kinda smart even though I have the thing because my dad told me I should.
6. Sidney may be damn long, but at least he's mostly fun to read.

Sunday, February 04, 2007

February 4, 2007

Music: Matchbox 20 yourself or someone like you
Reading: Woolf Mrs. Dalloway, Plotinus "On the Intellectual Beauty," Aquinas Summa Theologica, Dante "Letter to Can Grande Della Scala," Dickens Our Mutual Friend
Current stress level (scale of 1-10): 8.5

Good things that happened today:
1. Got home from the trip from semi-hell. (Yeah, that's why I haven't been posting...)
2. Talked to Jason.
3. SANG. OMG I SANG. See, my dorm has a choral group this quarter, and our first meeting was today. There are just four of us. We talked a lot, and started working on Mozart's Ave Verum Corpus (K 618). And OH MY GOD. I had absolutely forgotten the pure joy of making music, of hitting those beautiful chords at the ends of lines, of using my voice to work with others to create something lovely. I missed that SO MUCH. I absolutely HAVE to find a chorus to work with when I can't be a part of this one anymore. I don't think that I could give it up again. My day was on the bad side of mediocre mostly, but that is that ray of sunshine for today that makes everything else that was crappy fade into diminished significance when I think about it.
4. Dat just swung by. Couldn't talk much (I have to go to bed like 20 minutes ago), but it was good to see him.