Music: Goo Goo Dolls
Gutterflower, Papa Doo Run Run
The California ProjectReading: Hembly "Reply All," Hoagland "Lawrence," Puchner "Leda and the Swan," Wenderoth "Twelve Epistles from
Letters to Wendy's," Ondaatje "Letter to a Sad Daughter," Emanuel "inside gertrude stein," Van Duyn "Letters from a Father," Wordsworth Preface to
Lyrical Ballads (second edition)
Current stress level (scale of 1-10): 8
Good things that happened today:
1. Lunch with Jason.
2. Got a bunch done!
3. WROTE! Finished one thing I'd already started, and then wrote a whole set of haikus! It's amazing... when I get in the habit of just doing something every evening it gets easier to do... not like I didn't know that, but when I'm actually able to get in that habit I'm always amazed. I guess it probably also helps to have prompts.
4. Although I am sick, I do not have bronchitis as of yet. Yay for catching things in the very early stages.
5. Possibly figured out who the second critic I'm using for a paper that requires us to analyze one text using two critics is. Thank GOD because it was really stressing me out.
6. Wore the happy book earrings that Jason gave me.