Staying Positive

Things that have gone right lately. My attempt to be a more optimistic person.

I will post every day, at the end of the day (or the next morning), about the good things that have happened to me in that day. The hope is that I will begin to be generally happier and more positive, rather than focusing on the negative as I tend to do.


If you would like to join me, e-mail me or leave a comment on one of my posts and we can talk about adding you as a poster here. I think that it would be really cool if this were to become a multi-person endeavor, if others are interested in helping to make it one.

Friday, February 23, 2007

February 23, 2007

Music: none
Reading: Wordsworth Preface to the second edition of Lyrical Ballads, Coleridge various
Current stress level (scale of 1-10): 8

Good things that happened today:
1. Saw a great play with Jason.
2. Finished a chunk of stuff at work.
3. Um... ate chocolate chip cookies?

Thursday, February 22, 2007

February 22, 2007

Music: Goo Goo Dolls Gutterflower, Papa Doo Run Run The California Project
Reading: Hembly "Reply All," Hoagland "Lawrence," Puchner "Leda and the Swan," Wenderoth "Twelve Epistles from Letters to Wendy's," Ondaatje "Letter to a Sad Daughter," Emanuel "inside gertrude stein," Van Duyn "Letters from a Father," Wordsworth Preface to Lyrical Ballads (second edition)
Current stress level (scale of 1-10): 8

Good things that happened today:
1. Lunch with Jason.
2. Got a bunch done!
3. WROTE! Finished one thing I'd already started, and then wrote a whole set of haikus! It's amazing... when I get in the habit of just doing something every evening it gets easier to do... not like I didn't know that, but when I'm actually able to get in that habit I'm always amazed. I guess it probably also helps to have prompts.
4. Although I am sick, I do not have bronchitis as of yet. Yay for catching things in the very early stages.
5. Possibly figured out who the second critic I'm using for a paper that requires us to analyze one text using two critics is. Thank GOD because it was really stressing me out.
6. Wore the happy book earrings that Jason gave me.

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

February 21, 2007

Music: Goo Goo Dolls Gutterflower
Reading: Kant Critique of Judgment, Eagleton Literary Theory
Current stress level (scale of 1-10): 7.5

Good things that happened today:
1. Lunch with Jason.
2. Took a (brief) nap!
3. Sent my internship application... (*crosses fingers, toes, legs, arms, and eyes*)
4. Good workshop -- they liked my piece enough that I wasn't depressed (yeah, I think I'm becoming one of those writers who HAS to hear good feedback at least to some extent... GRRR), and had great suggestions for further improvement. After the last workshop I was so nervous about this one, but it went wonderfully.

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

February 20, 2007

Music: Goo Goo Dolls Gutterflower
Reading: Kant Critique of Judgment, various for workshopping in class tomorrow
Current stress level (scale of 1-10): 7.5

Good things that happened today:
1. Wrote something else for my portfolio!
2. Lunch with Jason!
3. Got my internship application all set to go -- I just have to send it tomorrow!
4. Have officially finished therapy for my arm/hand problems, barring another bad flareup. Still can't knit, but hey, any progress is awesome.
5. Am probably going to get something approaching eight hours of sleep tonight! (Knock on wood...)
6. Have checked off everything on my To Do list today!

Monday, February 19, 2007

February 19, 2007

Music: Jason's
Reading: Dickens Our Mutual Friend; Chin "The Gutted," "Tonight, again;" Bukowski Notes of a Dirty Old Man; Burroughs Naked Lunch; cummings "I was sitting in mcsorley's;" Rimbaud A Season in Hell; various things for workshopping in class on Wednesday
Current stress level (scale of 1-10): 9

Good things that happened today:
1. Honeybush tea at dinner.
2. Went to chorus even though I technically didn't have time.
3. Have gotten everything done that I needed to do today except one thing. So I probably get 6 1/2 or 7 hours of sleep tonight (knock on wood). Yay!

February 18, 2007

Music: Jason's
Reading: Kant Critique of Judgement
Current stress level (scale of 1-10): 7

Good things that happened today:
1. Dim sum!
2. Sex!
3. PUPPY at dim sum! It was a seeing eye doggy so I couldn't pet it but it was really cute!
4. Finished my stupid midterm from hell.

Sunday, February 18, 2007

February 17, 2007

Music: Jason's
Reading: nada
Current stress level (scale of 1-10): 9

Good things that happened today:
1. Cuddles.
2. Got to chat with Roger at dinner.
3. Jason brought chocolate cake back from his mom's birthday dinner.