Staying Positive

Things that have gone right lately. My attempt to be a more optimistic person.

I will post every day, at the end of the day (or the next morning), about the good things that have happened to me in that day. The hope is that I will begin to be generally happier and more positive, rather than focusing on the negative as I tend to do.


If you would like to join me, e-mail me or leave a comment on one of my posts and we can talk about adding you as a poster here. I think that it would be really cool if this were to become a multi-person endeavor, if others are interested in helping to make it one.

Saturday, December 09, 2006

December 9, 2006

Music: Jason's
Reading: none
Current stress level (scale of 1-10): 8.5

Good things that happened today:
1. Cuddles!
2. We saw a puppy during brunch!
3. Dinner with the fencing team. Only a third of us came, but it was still really nice.
4. Knit the last row of my armwarmer! Am now in the process of casting off.
5. Finished writing the second half of the final for one of my classes.

December 8, 2006

Music: Darren Hayes The Tension and the Spark
Reading: newspapers
Current stress level (scale of 1-10): 8

Good things that happened today:
1. Lots of hanging out with teh boyfriend.
2. Edited the PAPER FROM HELL and sent it to Dad for a lookover.
3. Went to an improv show with Jason. It was very funny.
4. Watched Victor Borge and Muppets videos on YouTube.

Friday, December 08, 2006

December 7, 2006

Music: Darren Hayes The Tension and the Spark
Reading: newspapers, Shelley "The Witch of Atlas"
Current stress level (scale of 1-10): 6

Good things that happened today:
2. Didn't have to bike to class, so I got to walk instead and listen to Darren Hayes. :)
3. Class was quite interesting. Very existential.
4. Panini at lunch.
5. Talked to Jason while writing for the last hour/hour and a half or so of the paper from hell. It really helped.
6. Broke 500 on Sudoku Combat!

Thursday, December 07, 2006

December 6, 2006

Music: Darren Hayes The Tension and the Spark
Reading: newspaper
Current stress level (scale of 1-10): 7

Good things that happened today:
1. Finished the thumbhole on my armwarmer. Just six more rows of ribbing...
2. Lunch with Jason.
3. Did a group performance of parts of Macbeth. It was tons of fun. I did Lady Macbeth, and I got to do the sleepwalking scene.
4. This evening, got the following email from my teacher: "just wanted to say how much I enjoyed your Lady M today. Very passionate and full of integrity. Bravo!" *boing* *boing*
5. WROTE ABOUT A THIRD OF MY GODDAMN PAPER THAT WAS SUPPOSED TO BE DONE BY NOW, BUT HEY, AT LEAST PART OF THE FUCKING THING IS WRITTEN! I really have to finish it tomorrow. Because I have another essay due with it on Monday, and then I have my take-home (essay) final due for Masterpieces of American Lit on Wednesday. And you know what? I WILL finish it tomorrow. I have like three hours between lunch and fencing lesson, and then probably four more in the evening. If I can't finish this damn thing in SEVEN HOURS I am seriously fucked up.
6. Steak at dinner. It was actually cooked WELL! Pinkish in the middle, nice and juicy and tender... shocking.
7. There is pumpkin pie in my tummy! (Our dorm study break tonight was pie.)

Tuesday, December 05, 2006

December 5, 2006

Music: Velvet Goldmine soundtrack
Reading: Dickens Our Mutual Friend
Current stress level (scale of 1-10): 7

Good things that happened today:
1. Woke up of my own accord, sans alarm.
2. Nice chats with Dat at lunch and dinner.
3. One third of the final assignment for one of my classes was cancelled!
4. Lunch with Jason.
5. No lesson -- time to rest/do work instead.
6. Performed the Lady Macbeth sleepwalking scene for the first time in front of people and got compliments!
7. Was kind of pissed at my group after our meeting, but then I went to fencing and hit people and felt at least marginally better.
8. Did pretty well at fencing.
9. Cookies for study break!

Monday, December 04, 2006

December 4, 2006

Music: Velvet Goldmine soundtrack
Reading: nothing!
Current stress level (scale of 1-10): 7

Good things that happened today:
1. Weights went decently.
2. Started the thumbhole on my second armwarmer! (It's going to be shorter than the first... hmm... I'll have to decide whether that bothers me enough to fix it.)
3. Saw Jason at lunch.
4. Started work on a different project at the public service center today. I do like the one I've been working on for most of the past couple of months, but I think that the different work refreshed me. It's nice to have a change.
5. Student staff dinner at the public service center. Very fun. And pretty good food. (Pumpkin pie for dessert!)
6. Dorm study break tonight was a guy who had been in Baghdad at the start of the war (and gone back to it a couple of months later), who made a performance out of his experiences. He recited a couple of his poems from the performance, talked about his experiences, and showed us a 20-min documentary he made. Kinda depressing, but very interesting.

Sunday, December 03, 2006

December 3, 2006

Music: Velvet Goldmine soundtrack
Reading: Dickens Our Mutual Friend
Current stress level (scale of 1-10): 8.5

Good things that happened today:
1. Morning cuddles with Jason.
2. Good croissants and that tea I like at brunch.
3. Enjoying Dickens reading.

December 2, 2006

Music: Velvet Goldmine soundtrack
Reading: newspaper
Current stress level (scale of 1-10): 7

Good things that happened today:
1. Went to the winter craft fair (didn't know it was happening, actually -- was going to that place for something else -- so a nice surprise).
2. Bought pretty earrings! They're by the same guy who made another pair of earrings that Jason gave me that I absolutely adore.
3. Cuddles!
4. X-Files. "Gender Bender" -- pretty good episode.
5. Got stuff done.