November 11, 2006
Reading: Shakespeare Taming of the Shrew
Current stress level (scale of 1-10): 5
Quote: Every institutionalized expression of human aspiration tends to go through periods of corruption and decay and to become encrusted with irrelevant rituals and ceremonies. Not all who profess the faith keep the faith. Some exploit the symbols of the faith for selfish purposes.
Small wonder that ardent spirits view such compromised institutions with disdain and long to create something new, something honest, something uncorrupted. But the new thing they create will quickly accumulate false fronts and hypocrisies. All who profess it will not live by it. So what then? Reject it too?
No. Repudiate the falsifying and betrayal that occur in every human institution - the centuries-old betrayal of the traditional faiths and the betrayal that is occurring every day in the newest creeds. Bud in rejecting those who have corrupted the faith, do not reject those who were and are true to the moving spirit. When you enter a cathedral, or the United States Capitol, feel a bond with all who ever aspired to build something admirable above the muck, something worthy above the clawing and screaming of life. Do not let that bond be sullied by the fact that others built – and still build – for unworthy reasons.
– John W. Gardner
Good things that happened today:
1. Honeybush tea with breakfast!
2. Practice was pretty low-key.
3. Got a decent amount of work done.
4. Started my second armwarmer! (And double-pointed needles are rather easier to handle when you've gotten used to them, even in the early rows, which I had TONS of trouble with last time around.)
5. X-Files!
6. Cuddles and dancing.