Staying Positive

Things that have gone right lately. My attempt to be a more optimistic person.

I will post every day, at the end of the day (or the next morning), about the good things that have happened to me in that day. The hope is that I will begin to be generally happier and more positive, rather than focusing on the negative as I tend to do.


If you would like to join me, e-mail me or leave a comment on one of my posts and we can talk about adding you as a poster here. I think that it would be really cool if this were to become a multi-person endeavor, if others are interested in helping to make it one.

Thursday, January 18, 2007

January 18, 2007

Music: Savage Garden "I Bet He Was Cool," Barenaked Ladies Gordon
Reading: Aristotle Poetics
Current stress level (scale of 1-10): 7

Good things that happened today:
1. Woke up next to Jason.
2. Slept in!
3. Candied yams at dinner equals yummy yum yum!

There will be no updates for a few days, as I leave at 4:30 am tomorrow for a fencing trip.

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

January 17, 2007

Music: Savage Garden "I Bet He Was Cool" and "Truly Madly Deeply"
Reading: Aristotle Poetics
Current stress level (scale of 1-10): 6.5

Good things that happened today:
1. Lunch with Jason.
2. Jason came over after dinner for much-needed cuddles and is staying the night!
3. Practice went decently.
4. Weights also went decently.
5. Got stuff done at work.
6. Chatted with Rick over breakfast. I haven't gotten to know him well over the past couple of years we've been on the team together, so it was good to talk to him. He's an interesting guy, and easy to chat with.
7. Chocolate ice cream at dinner.

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

January 16, 2007

Music: Taliesin Orchestra Orinoco Flow: The Music of Enya
Reading: Deville "The Prose Poem and the (Short) Short Story," Aristotle Poetics
Current stress level (scale of 1-10): 5.5

Good things that happened today:
1. Went to an awesome reading.
2. Lunch with Jason.
3. Got some knitting done!
4. Got recs from one professor (and she said I'll get in wherever, whee!). Only one more to go...

Monday, January 15, 2007

January 15, 2007

Music: Taliesin Orchestra Orinoco Flow: The Music of Enya
Reading: Dybek "Sunday at the Zoo," Lehman introduction to Great American Prose Poems, Deville "The Prose Poem and the (Short) Short Story," Dobyns "Writing the Reader's Life"
Current stress level (scale of 1-10): 7

Good things that happened today:
1. Spent much of the day with Jason.
2. Weights went okay...
3. FANTASTIC gingerbread cookies at Dickens reading group.
4. Chocolate chip cookies!
5. Dickens reading group!

Sunday, January 14, 2007

January 14, 2007

Music: Taliesin Orchestra Orinoco Flow: The Music of Enya
Reading: Plato Republic, Hass "A Story About the Body," Forche "The Colonel," Strand "Chekov: A Sestina," Emerson "Woods, A Prose Sonnet," Dickens Our Mutual Friend, fanfic
Current stress level (scale of 1-10): 3

Good things that happened today:
1. Hot sex.
2. Was with Jason for most of the day.
4. X-Files!
5. Read some pretty hot and sweet fanfic.